distraction no.99

Nova Ren Suma • Writing about writing to distract myself from writing

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The Day After I Hit SEND

Imaginary Girls is with my editor as of last night. Yes. I am done. I AM DONE! (Well, until it’s time for revisions… heh.)

What a week. Last week at this time you would have found me staring at the pages of the novel, wary of how I’d ever finish editing and revising it in time to turn in to my editor, and maybe also a little wary of the moment I’d turn in to my editor, since I know how amazing she is, and how intimidating is that, and would I ever finish, and how, and would anyone like it, and, and, and???

But one week ago today was also the day I got to see my agent. He was here in town, so I’m pleased to report that California did not eat him. It was perfect timing to see him, so close to finishing the manuscript, as he’s been absolutely instrumental to what this book became. More than that, he sees exactly what I want from this book, he “gets” the story more than I ever could have hoped, and I just can’t imagine being here without him. (He also, when we were discussing my future projects, brought up something that proves, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that he is the absolute perfect agent for me—and I knew that already, so just imagine what he said!) Seeing him made the days leading up to deadline even better.

Then this weekend I had a little bit of a distraction called the SCBWI NY conference—my first children’s writing conference!—where I got to meet some great fellow writers I know through Twitter (hi, Barbara, Emily, Jen, Shana, Susan, Suzanne, Tiffany, Victoria, and more!), and came away with some incredible bursts of inspiration at the hands of Libba Bray, Jacqueline Woodson, and Jane Yolen, not to mention an ENORMOUS cupcake that sends me into a sugar coma just thinking about it.

Which brings me to this week, the week I turned in my novel. There was a point at which I knew I was close to completion on the revisions and edits I was making, and yet I didn’t want to let go. But then a wise fellow writer who shares my agent gave me the push I needed (hi, Erin!), and I gathered up my courage and hit SEND last night.

The fact is this: I love this novel. It’s my most favorite thing I’ve ever written in my entire life. Talk about pressure, huh? But even saying that, I know it’s far from perfect. Revision is an opportunity to make it even better, and I can’t wait. Here I am, the day after hitting SEND, and I feel calmer than I have all month. Hitting SEND was an exhilarating moment, but it was also the *right* moment. It was time.

I feel this great sense of accomplishment today. I feel… well, I just feel GOOD.

Before I go off skipping into the sunset shrieking “I wrote a book! I wrote a book!” there is someone who deserves major props, and possibly a lot of sympathy, and please send pie to:

E, my other half.

E has so far read the novel THREE TIMES and helped me make it better each time. E, this novel would not exist without you. I couldn’t have done it alone. I’ll save some of my gushing for the acknowledgments page, but I know that being the partner of a (totally obsessive, wildly insecure) writer must be difficult, and I appreciate you so much. You are the best thing that could ever happen to my life, ever.

/taking a moment/

Okay, I wrote a book, I wrote a book! Now what?

Hmm… I guess it’s time to start planning the next one? 😉


p.s. Look! Imaginary Girls is featured with a cool imaginary cover as a “Waiting on Wednesday” book on Bri Meets Books! I know we’re a long way off from Summer 2011, but I’m so excited to know there’s someone out there waiting to read this book. Thank you so much, Bri! I can’t wait to send you the book to see what you think!

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